About Cashnet
Features | How Cashnet Works | Activity Details | Payment Without Bill Presentment | More Information
Cashnet's Features
- Pay securely with your U.S. bank account.
- Give access to your parents or other payers to pay for you.
- See your recent account activity any time.
- Make a one-time payment with Payment Without Bill Presentment.
- See all of your account history (payments, statements) for 12 months.
- Receive convenient email reminders when your new bill becomes available.
- Receive email confirmations of each payment you make.
- Conserves paper. Paper bills will no longer be mailed to your billing address.
To avoid a finance charge of 1.25% per month on the unpaid balance, Bursar and CornellCard amounts must be received by the billing due date. Additionally, if a due balance is not resolved, it may result in a financial hold being placed on the student account, limiting future enrollment and diploma release.
How Cashnet Works
- The student logs in with their Cornell NetID and password.
- The student can invite a secondary payer by entering the payer's email address.
- The secondary payer will receive an email from Cashnet with an optional note, Payer ID, and temporary password.
- The secondary payer will use the Payer ID (user name) and temporary password to sign up for an account.
- All users will be able to access their Cashnet accounts using their own user names and passwords.
- Banking information for each user is separate and secure.
Signup Instructions
See Cashnet Login Instructions.
Students must notify those responsible for paying their bills. Cornell will not be responsible for finance charges incurred due to nonpayment. You may still access your account details using Student Center. Adding your parents or other payers to your Cashnet account grants them permission to pay your bills on your behalf and to view and ask detailed questions about your bursar and CornellCard accounts.
The Cashnet service is not available for loan or collection accounts. Please visit ECSI to make loan payments or contact us for payment arrangements on delinquent accounts.
Activity Details
The Activity Details feature in Cashnet allows you to view up-to-date, daily transactions on your Bursar and/or CornellCard account.
Use Activity Details to get a summary and details of all transactions that have posted to your Bursar or CornellCard account since the last e-billing statement, as well as a revised amount due.
The Summary displays totals and balances for the following types of transactions:
- New charges
- Payments
- Adjustments
- Pending financial aid
The Detail section lists the transactions included in the totals displayed in the summary.
To get your activity details, log in to your Cashnet account, and select Activity Details on the Cashnet home page, under the Summary section, or from the left-hand menu.
Payment Without Bill Presentment
Payment Without Bill Presentment lets you make a one-time payment without having a Cashnet account. To make a payment with this option, you must know your seven-digit student ID number and the student's last name. If you do not know your seven-digit ID number, you can find it on Student Center or by calling Bursar Account Services at 607-255-2336.
Payment Without Bill Presentment is useful when other payers who are responsible for paying your bill do not wish to use the Cashnet service, but would still like to make a payment electronically. They may make payments using a U.S. checking or savings account. After payment has been made, the payer will receive a confirmation screen, as well as an email confirmation.
Important! Payments in Cashnet will post to the student's account the following business day. Payments must be received on the student's account by the billing due date to avoid finance charges.
More Information
- Returned Cashnet Payments: Please see our Returned Payment Policy.
- Cashnet FAQ