The Cornell Installment Plan (CIP), also known as the Full-Service Payment Plan, administered by Cashnet, enables students and their families to make monthly installments to cover each semester's tuition and expenses.

Cashnet is secure and can be accessed only by authorized application users. This service is not available for loan or collection account holders or students enrolled through Continuing Education.

Plan Benefits

  • Borrow less
  • Keep your assets longer, in interest-bearing accounts
  • Pay for fall and spring semesters in 5-month payment plans
  • The enrollment fee is $125 per semester

Enrollment Deadlines

  • Fall enrollment begins July 13
  • Fall semester 5-month plans begin August 1
  • Spring enrollment begins December 15
  • Spring semester 5-month plans begin January 1

For enrollment steps, please visit: Cornell Installment Plan | Office of the Bursar

Other Resources

529 PAYMENTS: Cashnet, as an independent third-party servicer, accepts electronic payments from numerous 529 plans. Payments to the Cornell Installment Plan must be made electronically via Cashnet. Paper checks will not be accepted as payment toward your monthly plan.


FLYWIRE PAYMENTS: Payments to the Cornell Installment Plan must be made electronically via Cashnet. Flywire payments will not be accepted towards your monthly plan. If you would like to set up an international payment plan, please contact Bursar Account Services,


CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Cashnet, as an independent third-party servicer, accepts credit card payments for the Full Service Payment Plan (FSPP). Cashnet charges a non-refundable convenience fee of 2.85% of the amount charged for domestic and 4.25% for international credit card payments. Domestic credit card payments between $20.00 and $106.00 will have a convenience fee of $3.00. Cornell does not charge the convenience fee or receive any part of the fee. The fee is paid in full to and retained by Cashnet. The convenience fee charge will appear separately from the Bursar payment on your credit card statement.

Questions? Contact Cashnet by phone at 800-339-8131, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., eastern time.