University closure:

The university will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of the holiday.

Required Documentation

Additional Evidence Supporting Residency

If the parent/guardian claims New York as their permanent domicile and claims the student as a dependent, the evidence submitted must be that of the parent/guardian. If the student is claiming financial independence and New York as their permanent domicile, the evidence submitted must be that of the student.

Note: Be sure to block out any confidential information, such as social security numbers.

Along with your application form for New York State (NYS) residency, to determine your eligibility, we request copies of the following information, if applicable:

  1. Your NYS voter registration card
  2. Your NYS driver's license
  3. Your current bank statements
  4. Your confirmation of residential living situations
    • Lease or mortgage 
    • Property taxes paid
  5. Your most recent year's Resident NYS Tax Return
  6. Your car registration and insurance

For Emancipated Students

If you are claiming to be an emancipated student and, therefore, are applying for financial independence, we require the following in addition to documentation for NYS residency:

  1. Copy of parent's most recent year's federal tax filing, showing dependents claimed
  2. Copy of tuition checks paid for the prior semester or academic year
  3. A financial budget showing ALL revenue sources and expenses
  4. A sworn statement from your parents or legal guardian showing the total financial contributions they have made to you this year and the prior year
  5. Proof of all assets and bank account
  6. If your parents paid for any of the stock, securities, etc. shown as assets, or the funds with which they were purchased, please indicate the date the securities or funds were transferred
  7. A statement showing how many days in the current and prior year you lived with your parents, and how many days you resided in NYS
  8. Confirmation of health insurance; e.g., covered under parent's policy or purchased by student

Note: If you are claiming to be financially independent from your parents, any inquiries pertaining to this application must be handled by you, the student. If your application is approved, it is your responsibility to inform your parents that we will not be able to discuss your account with them in the future.