University closure:

The university will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of the holiday.

Leaving and Withdrawing

If a student is approved for a leave of absence or withdrawal from the university, tuition may be prorated. The date of the leave or withdrawal request will determine the student's tuition liability for the semester. Please review the Tuition Adjustment Schedule.

Students whose instruction for the term begins on or after the official "Instruction begins" date on the standard Cornell academic calendar may rely on the calendar dates listed below. Students enrolled in classes that begin earlier should refer to the day ranges within the parentheses, with "(Days 0-)" as their first day of instruction. Count weekends and holidays.

Some programs, including but not limited to Continuing Education and Summer SessionsGlobal Learning, and Executive MBA, may follow their own tuition refund policies for withdrawals and leaves of absence. Please refer to the appropriate program office for details on those policies.

Note: Cornell is authorized to offset any credit balances against any debts owed by the student to the university.

Financial Aid: When a student withdraws from the university during a term, the financial aid office is required to review the aid funding types the student has received and adjust based on the rules associated with each aid fund. Such adjustments may lead to an outstanding balance. For more information, please review Leaves and Withdrawals | Financial Aid (

2024-2025 Tuition Adjustment Schedule for Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence

PercentageFall 2024 Last Day of AttendanceSpring 2025 Last Day of Attendance
No Charge8/26 – 9/4 (Days 0-9)1/21 – 1/30 (Days 0-9)
10% charge9/5 – 9/14 (Days 10-19)1/31 – 2/9 (Days 10-19)
20% charge9/15 – 9/24 (Days 20-29) 2/10 – 2/19 (Days 20-29)
30% charge9/25 – 10/4 (Days 30-39)2/20 – 3/1 (Days 30-39)
40% charge10/5 – 10/14 (Days 40-49)3/2 – 3/11 (Days 40-49)
50% charge10/15 – 10/24 (Days 50-59)3/12 – 3/21 (Days 50-59)
60% charge10/25 – 11/3 (Days 60-69)3/22 – 3/31 (Days 60-69)
100% charge11/4 or later (Day 70+)4/1 or later (Day 70+)

2023-2024 Tuition Adjustment Schedule for Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence

PercentageFall 2023 Last Day of AttendanceSpring 2024 Last Day of Attendance
No Charge8/21 – 8/30 (Days 0-9)1/22 – 1/31 (Days 0-9)
10% charge8/31 – 9/9 (Days 10-19)2/1 – 2/10 (Days 10-19)
20% charge9/10 – 9/19 (Days 20-29) 2/11 – 2/20 (Days 20-29)
30% charge9/20 – 9/29 (Days 30-39)2/21 – 3/1 (Days 30-39)
40% charge9/30 – 10/9 (Days 40-49)3/2 – 3/11 (Days 40-49)
50% charge10/10 – 10/19 (Days 50-59)3/12 – 3/21 (Days 50-59)
60% charge10/20 – 10/29 (Days 60-69)3/22 – 3/31 (Days 60-69)
100% charge10/30 or later (Day 70+)4/1 or later (Day 70+)